Saturday, June 30, 2012

Annual Congregational Meeting: Being Grateful

On Sunday, June 24, 2012, 115 people attended the annual congregational meeting, almost 4x more than last year! Surely the food we served was a draw but there are also exciting things afoot at SOTV. The room was buzzing as we shared our new vision for ministry adopted by the council in April:

Shepherd of the Valley invites and welcomes all people to experience and be transformed by the love of Christ and be sent out to share that love with others. 

It’s a simple, compelling vision. Jesus is calling us to keep reaching out with his love. You’ll hear more about our vision this fall. I believe you will find SOTV’s vision as energizing to you as it is to me. Thank you to the whole congregation for another year of great ministry.

Thank you to everyone who attended the congregational meeting and helped approved a new budget including new investments to realize our vision. Thanks are also due to church council leaders who have worked hard to develop our shared vision, especially Kari Slotten, who concluded many years of service as a Council Member, Council Vice President and President. We also thank Todd Sipe as he concludes his work as Council President and will continue to serve a term as a past president.

The work of the council is important and demanding and I am grateful to these leaders for carrying our vision for the whole congregation. Most of all, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus, who calls us, claims us and send us out by his everlasting love.

See you in church,
Pastor Chris Smith