Thursday, April 25, 2013

How Was Our Vision Created?

By Kari Slotten, Vision Implementation Project Manager

Whether you are new to Shepherd of the Valley, or you’ve been here for a while, you’ve probably heard words like "strategy" and "vision" thrown around, and maybe don't understand what they entail. Hopefully, I can help shed some light on this process.

I have been a part of the strategic planning/vision effort at Shepherd of the Valley during my six-year tenure on the Church Council, which recently came to an end. During these six years, I was Vice President, President, and then Past President – a pattern being followed by our current President and Past President, Steve Mueller and Todd Sipe.     

I was new to council when Chris Smith, our newly-minted Senior Pastor, started talking about strategic planning. Soon there was a group assembled to read, pray, and discuss taking our ministry in a new direction. We conducted focus groups that reached over 500 people within SOTV to learn our strengths, weaknesses, and ideas for change.

Using that knowledge to create mission statements and action plans, we quickly realized these incremental changes were less impactful than we desired. Our group evolved into a "Vision Team" task force consisting of myself, Steve, Todd, Pastor Chris, Pastor Randy Brandt, and Jennifer Maxwell, our Director of Operations.

We also enlisted the expertise of Pastor Merv Thompson. Merv was senior pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, a congregation of similar size and mission as SOTV, for over 21 years.  Merv is currently a consultant for Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines, IA - the fastest growing ELCA church in the country. He helped us to look outward, to see what is working at other growing churches. So in addition to more reading, praying, and discussion, we began visiting other churches to research their strategies for success.

In 2012, and after careful thought and discussion, this team crafted a new Vision and Mission for SOTV, which was accepted by the Council in May, and approved by the congregation in June.  

Over the summer, the Vision Team enlisted the help of Christine Fifield, to do further research and analysis at specific churches in the Twin Cities Metro, and at large, growing churches in other parts of the country. 

This brings us to today. We are just beginning to implement aspects of Our Vision in worship and fellowship, transformations that will arrive the first weekend of June. We are also investing in the areas of welcome and learning, with more transformation on the way!

Even though this process has taken several years, the Vision Team believes it has taken very thoughtful and intentional steps in terms of gathering data to make informed decisions. 

Internal feedback + external investigation + guidance from scripture = a Vision ready to grow into.

I've been a stay-at-home mom for a while, so I've enjoyed using my "work brain" to think about the future of SOTV over the last couple years. My time with Council and the Vision Team has been great to dream big, study hard, and think creatively – all with the goal of helping more people experience Jesus!

I'm back to work now in a part-time role at SOTV, helping to implement the vision. I'm so excited to see what the future holds for us! I'm hopeful that we can be an excellent 21st century church that keeps my three boys (and all young people) growing their faith, and reaches new people for Christ. Please pray for the church - its pastors, staff, lay leaders, and worshipers - that we may all partner together to help more people experience Jesus!

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