Let’s Make it the Best Sale Ever!
A Huge Impact
For 21 years, garage sales at Shepherd of the Valley have done a tremendous amount of good in our community. Each year, the Sale is an opportunity for our church to open its doors to the community to be a place of welcome, hospitality, and fellowship. Our volunteers especially look forward to coming together as one big church family. The neighbors we serve walk away with arms full of great finds at low prices. Each year we meet people able to buy furniture, clothing and other items for their homes that they otherwise can’t afford. When it’s all over, 100% of the proceeds and any unsold items go to local organizations that help children in need including District 196, Dakota Woodlands, 360 Communities, Lutheran Social Services, Kids ‘n Kinship and more. Since 2010 alone, sales have raised over $110,000!
All Good Things…
This year will be the final Shepherd’s Sale and we need your help to make the 2015 the Best Sale Ever. Each year, the Sale is increasingly harder to organize and execute well:- The Sale demands an immense amount of volunteers to work long hours over a two week period.
- Summer is a difficult time to recruit volunteers and collect donations, but we don’t have space in the building at other times of the year.
- Many hours and strenuous tasks are required to set up, go through donations, operate the sale, and clean up.
- Costs for many of our supplies have increased. Renting tables alone costs $4,000.
- Each year, we borrow a large amount of supplies and materials from community partners like Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.
- It is difficult and costly to dispose of unsold or unwanted goods, impacting our total fundraising proceeds.
- The Sale takes up space in the entire church and puts strain on ongoing ministries. For example, it shuts down Our Daily Bread Food Shelf for over a week during summer – a period of increased need at food shelves.

How Can We Better Serve Our Community?
Our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, calls us to reach out and become in tune with the needs of our community. As great as the Sale has been, we want to explore how else to be Jesus’ hands and feet in the world. Our goal is to develop opportunities to support our community and raise funds for local organizations throughout the year that are not reliant on large amounts of labor, volunteers, space, and resources to be successful. We can better serve our neighbors by working smarter, not harder. If you want to be part of a team that plans new ways to serve the community, contact Lisa Hegerman at 952-985-7329 or lisa.hegerman@sotv.org. Once the sale is over, we will be focusing on fun ideas for the summer of 2016.Let’s Make 2015 The Best Sale Ever!
- For starters, we MUST have 70 volunteers each signed up at two critical shifts. Tuesday morning, June 16 (9:00 am – Noon) and Friday afternoon, June 26 (Noon – 4:30 pm).
- Once we have enough volunteers for these two shifts, we will need volunteers to commit to all other shifts from June 15 – June 26. See all shifts
- We will have a more focused list of accepted donation items this year, based on what has sold in the past. Disposing of unsold items can be costly.
- Shop and tell your friends to come out and shop too!
- You can sign up to volunteer online using SignUpGenius or download and print our flyer and return to the church office.
- Full details and registration at www.sotv.org/sale
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