In response to its vision, SOTV is currently making some changes in its worship life. Time, place, and style of worship in some cases have changed. Upgrades have been made in our technology. New screens, projectors, sound boards, and other audio equipment have been added to our worship experience in the sanctuary.
We live in an age of technology when telling the gospel story can take many forms in order to reach a wide range of people. Over the next several months we will all likely do some adjusting to this new vision for worship. It is the hope of your pastors that these modifications will allow them to share the Good News of our Lord and Savior more effectively than ever before. I will be experiencing these changes along with all of you and I trust they will be implemented thoughtfully and caringly under the guidance of our pastoral staff.
Be assured that the basics of Word (Bible) and Sacraments (Holy Communion and Holy Baptism) will remain central to the ministry of SOTV as we gather each week for a time of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. As the Psalmist put it, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go up into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122: 1)
- Paul L. Harrington
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