Monday, April 6, 2015

The Fruit of Our Visits

By Scott Erickson
Capital Campaign Steering Co-Chair

Mary Beth and I, along with our children, (Elise, then age 2, and Zachary, a newborn) joined Shepherd of the Valley (SOTV) on a July Sunday in 1988. Our present Music Room was the sanctuary then. The concrete had been poured on the previous day for the sidewalks around the new sanctuary, our present Fellowship Hall.

Right away, we met Cris Ireland, a volunteer organizing a list of parents to teach church school in the Fall. Mary Beth, a teacher by profession, became fast friends with Cris, and in turn met others committed to teaching children about Jesus. We met couples at Saturday evening fun nights who became fast, life-long friends, and I met men in music ministry, worship and service activities with whom I remain close. In each year, we have added new SOTV friends.

I support our Capital Campaign, Together We Can Do More, for personal, selfish reasons. I need SOTV to be strong forever. I need the fellowship of sisters and brothers in Christ. It's impossible to experience the joy and peace of The Lord in a vacuum by myself. We all have an important role to play in our community of faith.

The world presents men and women with the erroneous view that "I'm in control". When life is smooth, I need you to remind me by your worship and prayers that God is God, and I'm not. When life is gut-wrenchingly difficult, I need you to remind me Jesus is in me, and He, the Good Shepherd, never leaves anyone behind. When hard challenges occur, you call out to me, "Lean in to God… He has your back."  I'm strengthened and fed by your fellowship continuously.

How often do you have a moment when you feel especially close to God? Incredibly blessed or uplifted, or both? I have heard these moments referred to as faith nodes: times when the Holy Spirit seems especially active through others around us. These are times in which God calls out to us, shaping our lives for his glory, and for our joy. Let me tell you about two of my faith nodes.

In August 1995, daughter Olivia (age 3) was riding in a Burley carrier behind my bicycle as we're gliding along a Rosemount street. It's beastly hot, and the streets are deserted. She's belted in with her helmet on, munching on chips. The only sound for a long time is the buzzing of bike tires on pavement. Suddenly, Olivia speaks. "Dad?" "Yes, Olivia?" I responded. "Dad, I love Jesus!" she said. "I'm so glad, honey. Praise The Lord!" I said. A joy-filled dad finished the ride with wet eyes that night. You see, Olivia had just been to her first Vacation Bible School. And, you, the congregation, had helped us teach her about Jesus.

Another faith node: It's Sunday morning in the Fall of 1998, and I've taken a turn playing percussion for the services held in the Fellowship Hall and packing up the drums. A friend from the congregation, Dale Thuftedahl, walks over and says, "Hey, Scott! What are you doing Wednesday night?" My first thought was a guys' night out, perhaps with burgers and beer. Dale had something else in mind, and I'm grateful beyond words. He invited me to my first Bible study for men. Simply put, that was a life-changer, no a life-saver!

You, the congregation, enable the Holy Spirit mightily as we worship, learn, and serve as a community of faith together. That same spirit of togetherness will enable us to move forward and continue God’s ministry at SOTV.

If you’re just hearing about our Capital Campaign for the first time, we are asking for everyone to schedule a visit with one of these members. During these short visits, you will get all the details of the campaign, be able to ask questions, and be able to discern how you can best support our church.

If you are already a supporter — thank you! Mary Beth and I invite you to join us as we visit more and more households. Imagine the fruit of all the visits across our congregation! Let's do this thing to which we are called. Praise be to God! Together, We Can Do More!

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