Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Impact of Your Gifts

We ask a lot of our faith community, and you always step up and deliver when it comes to giving and serving others. This past Christmas season was no exception: you gave gifts-in-kind of Christmas gifts, gently-used winter outerwear, and brand new mittens, hats and scarves.

Christmas Gifts
Thanks to you, Christmas gifts were provided to 50 Armful of Love families (approximately 200 people), over 60 Wingspan residents, 20 homeless youth (through Lutheran Social Services), and hundreds more gifts were donated to Southside Family Nurturing Center and Dakota Woodlands.

Bags of winter clothing waiting to be
picked up by families at our food shelf
In addition, 498 total items of gently-used outerwear were distributed to Apple Valley families served by our food shelf, and 8 other local nonprofit agencies. The brand new outerwear items donated to our mitten tree totaled 647 items. They were divided between 11 local nonprofit agencies that serve families in need.

The pastors and staff at Shepherd of the Valley sincerely thank you for your generosity! But don't take it from us, check out the thank you notes from children and their parents who received gifts this Christmas.

How to Help Now
It's almost April and Easter is coming soon - so why are we telling you about Christmas? Because as March ends, so do many of our current collections for gift-in-kind items. Please consider helping one of these ministries below, just as you rose to our giving challenge in December.

Hygiene Items
Tear Drop Ministries (as part of Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf) provides hot meals for 300 homeless individuals every Sunday afternoon in St. Paul. We are collecting the following hygiene items to be distributed to them in April. Smaller sizes of shampoo, conditioner and hand cream as well as soap, toothpaste, toothbrush and disposable razor.

Easter Baskets & Dinners
Shepherd of the Valley delivers Easter baskets to people who have experienced a loss, illness, or difficult year, and Easter dinners to Pueblo de Fe and All Nations Church. Your participation makes this outreach possible:
  • Dinners need sponsors - there are currently 5 left. Sign up in the narthex at church.
  • Dinners and baskets need to be packed. Sign up by registering for ServeTogether and attending on Saturday, April 5 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
  • Dinners and baskets need to be delivered. Currently, we need 6 more drivers.
  • Monetary donations also accepted to purchase items. Enter "Easter Baskets" in the Misc Benev. line when giving online, or in the memo line of your check.

Pack the Pews for the Food Shelf
Help fight hunger during Minnesota FoodShare’s March Campaign, the largest food drive in the state. Fill a grocery bag with non-perishable food items and bring it to church anytime during the month of March. All donations will go to Our Daily Bread Food Shelf at Shepherd of the Valley. Of course, we accept monetary and food donations year-round, but let's make a big impact for the statewide March campaign. See our most needed items.

Again, thank you so much for your involvement in our ministries and your generosity to making an impact in our local community. March ends like a lamb - but let's make it the most generous lamb in the flock!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Special Lecture from Reverend Dr. Mitri Raheb

Mitri Raheb
The Reverend Dr. Mitri Raheb, an internationally-acclaimed theologian and advocate for peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict, will speak on Sunday, March 30 at 3:00 pm at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. He will present new insights into scripture and the current Middle Eastern situation from his position as a Christian and a Palestinian. The event is free and childcare is available.

Dr. Raheb is the senior pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church, (ELCA) in Bethlehem, Palestine, president of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan, president of Dar al-Kalima University College and founder of Bright Stars of Bethlehem, a charity that brings hope to Palestinians through a variety of initiatives. When a group of 45 SOTV members visited the Holy Land in 2011, they had an opportunity to hear Dr. Raheb speak and see these initiatives in action. This inspired the formation of an SOTV Holy Land Shepherds group that has raised funds and awareness for programs that serve seniors, youth, young families and parish nurses living in the Holy Land.

Faith in the Face of Empire
In his new book, Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible Through Palestinian Eyes, Dr. Raheb presents a new perspective on the Bible by showing how the “sacred” story and secular history are combined in the Holy Land. In light of the current geo-political turmoil, after the hopes of the Arab Spring and in the face of the latest round of US shuttle diplomacy, Dr. Raheb urges us to ask from a Christian perspective, “Can we imagine a different future for the Middle East?”

Join us to hear this powerful speaker offer new perspectives into combining the reality of the world with the reality of the Bible. Tell a friend! You can download our poster to share.

Dr. Raheb will sign copies of his new book following his talk. Pastor Duane will lead a discussion on this same book on Tuesday, May 6 at 7:00 pm.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pastor Diane Sponheim To Take Sabbatical

Period of April 21 – July 13, 2014

Shepherd of the Valley supports the eligibility of a 12-week sabbatical for ELCA rostered staff leaders after seven years of service. A sabbatical is a time of leave from regular duties for rest, personal growth, reflection, study and renewal. Shepherd of the Valley’s ministry has greatly benefitted over the years by its rostered staff leaders being able to return from sabbaticals refreshed and revitalized.

Pastor Diane has been approved by the Church Council to partake in this important practice. Her studies will encompass pastoral leadership, faith practices and preaching. She will also spend time travelling and focusing on quality family time. This will be her first sabbatical.

During her sabbatical, Pastor Diane’s regular pastoral duties and tasks will be taken up by other pastors, staff members, and volunteers. We are also currently working with our Synod leaders to identify an Interim Associate to assist with worship and congregational care. This interim role may extend beyond Pastor Diane’s sabbatical period to assist while Pastor Chris and Pastor Randy lead back-to-back trips to Tanzania in July and August. 

Please keep Pastor Diane and her family in your prayers during this time of sabbatical. We are grateful for her years of service and happy to support her ministry in this important way.

Further updates will be communicated as they become available.